Orbitz.com Support Ticket

Insured Airline ticket - Air Fare

Created By: JAMoutofluck's Picture JAMoutofluck Last Reply: JAMoutofluck's Picture JAMoutofluck
Priority Level: [High] Status: [Open]
Created: 7 years ago Last Updated: 7 years ago
Department: General Replies: 0
Product: Air Fare

I purchased an airline ticke through the ORBITZ web site. I checked and rechecked all of the details before I purchased the ticket. When I purchased my round trip ticket it was for the dates of June 1st and June 7th, 2017. My flight was purchased with insurance because there was a concern my appointment might have to cancel.

Unfortunately, my appointment was cancelled and I won't be making my trip at all. I pulled my receipt from the printer to get one hefty shock. The dates the ticket was actually issued for was June 28th and July 5th. It is terrifying to think what would have happened had I only discovered the error a day or two before I left. So it was fortunate I would be cancelling anyway. Since I was smart and bought "Cancellation" insurance I would be fine. WRONG!!!

I was informed that my insurance was only for emergency cancellations. Are you kidding me. Then I was informed that airline policy was to issue a $200. travel voucher that was good for one year. I explained that I don't travel often,might not be able to use it and bought insurance just to avoid this kind of thing. I was repeatedly told it was airline policy. I was given phone numbers so I could call the insurance company and try to get the cost of the useless insurance, ORBITZ website nearly shoved down my throat when when I forgot to accept it.

After 50 minutes of struggling to understand a woman who spoke with a very sever accent and her struggling to understand me and literally no acknowledgement that we were discussing tickets that were ultimately issued for the wrong dates, I asked for the confirmation of the cancellation. It tuned out to be 3 lines that offered no usable information. When I asked for a copy of the voucher, I had been repeatedly told was "Airline Policy", I was informed that I would have to go through ORBITZ with nothing but a cancelled itinerary to redeem it.

I informed her that since this was airline policy I would like the airline voucher. Although this entire transaction had been done through the ORBITZ website and it offered no disclaimers about exceptions, in fact it hit me with a reminder not to risk having to cancel without insurance when I failed to click the yes field, ORBITZ was not prepared to take any responsibility for either issue. I was told no. So I have a worthless cancellation confirmation, no proof of a voucher, no insurance refund and I'm out $200. This whole thing smells really fishy and I intend to inform the BBB and the Illinois States Attorney if there isn't someone who can offer some real satisfaction.
Jill Moore

Itinerary #7266306621047


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